Middle School (Grade 7 and 8)

Overview & Daily Schedule

The academic day consists of four 80-minute periods, with morning and afternoon recess breaks, and a 55 minute lunch period. At the end of the academic day (3:15pm), the Middle School students return to homeroom until 3:25 to pack their bags and get their agendas checked. The co-curricular programme begins (3:30pm-4:30pm).

Middle School Curriculum

We recognize that early adolescents between the ages of 10 and 14 require special educational practices that meet their unique developmental needs. The Middle School focuses on all aspects of the student (not just academic) and has an advisory program, facilitated by teachers who are also in the role of Advisors. The curriculum includes an exploratory program and will have programs to develop the health and wellness of young adolescents. A variety of active learning instructional methodologies appropriate for the age group will be utilized.

We believe there should be four essential attributes for successful schools for young adolescents:

  • Developmentally Responsive - using the nature of young adolescents as the foundation on which all decisions are made.
  • Challenging - recognizing that every student can learn and that everyone is held to high expectations.
  • Empowering - providing all students with the knowledge and skills they need to take control of their lives.
  • Equitable - advocating for every student’s right to learn and providing challenging and relevant learning opportunities.

Our Middle School curriculum supports students to develop the strong foundation in literacy, numeracy, and learning skills they will need for Upper School while meeting and exceeding the Nova Scotia Department of Education curriculum for Grades 7 - 9. Educating the whole child is a priority at this age, therefore students are challenged to experience all aspects of education such as Art, Music, the Speaking Arts, Service Learning to name a few. The co-curricular and athletics programs give students even more opportunities to experience new activities and leadership opportunities.

Download 2023-2024 Bell Schedule

To learn more about Armbrae Academy please Email Suzanne Morrison or call directly 902-830-1418